
There will be some new forum boards added and a restructuring of the forums. This is more of less just some random crap to post so you guys know things are being moved around or adding new areas to the forums as I try and finish up adding the rest of the news websites to my network.

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If You Need Help But Can't Access The Forums

Started by MrRuste, March 22, 2024, 08:10:24 AM

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Hello Users,
 Owner/CEO/Creator Mr.Ruste here. If for whatever reason you can not access the forums for whatever reason or you are having issues creating an account on our forums. Any issue we have a support ticket system here:

Our support ticket system is the best option as email sometimes has issues though we do our best to make you are able to get our emails
But you can email us as well:

Can also use the support ticket system on the website you're coming from for example if you came here from Offers And Clicks or Atomic PTC. Just say you having an issue with the forums.

Thanks for reading