
Not much going on lately just update our forum script. 4/3/2022

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Messages - MrRuste

Country to Ip database tables have been updated today. If you're having issues logging in clear your internet browser's cache, cookies, and temp files then try again.

Update date: 9-4-2024
Country to Ip database tables have been updated today. If you're having issues logging in clear your internet browser's cache, cookies, and temp files then try again.

Update date: 9-4-2024
Country to Ip database tables have been updated today. If you're having issues logging in clear your internet browser's cache, cookies, and temp files then try again.

Update date: 9-4-2024
Country to Ip database tables have been updated today. If you're having issues logging in clear your internet browser's cache, cookies, and temp files then try again.

Update date: 9-4-2024
Daily bonuses added from 8-24-2024 until the end of this year Dec. 31, 2024
$0.01 Cash balance   After 200 clicks every day
$0.02 Cash balance   After 400 clicks every day
$0.03 Cash balance   After 600 clicks every day
$0.04 Cash balance   After 800 clicks every day
$0.05 Cash balance   After 1000 clicks every day
Our business license renewed old link/business license will be removed in weeks to come.
Epic PTC Forums / Re: Our Business information
June 19, 2024, 11:22:56 PM
Our business license renewed old link/business license will be removed in weeks to come.
Atomic PTC Forums / Re: Our Business information
June 19, 2024, 11:20:42 PM
Our business license renewed old link/business license will be removed in weeks to come.
Our business license renewed old link/business license will be removed in weeks to come.
Our business license renewed old link/business license will be removed in weeks to come.
Our business license renewed old link/business license will be removed in weeks to come.
Hello everyone and this is my thread for all my #paymentproofs I have received from the #HeedYou get-paid to program.

1st payment:

2nd payment:

3rd payment:

4th payment:

5th payment:
#Atiadvert, #ATIBrushes, #Atibuxer, #ATIClix are a #scam. I was member, but never earned a thing as balance locks and resets happened all the time. Third time I will not join as scammers hurt honest business. I wrote about this project on my blog/website and you can read all the articles I wrote here:

What are your thoughts or experiences?
Hello awesome forum members

As stated many times before spammers have become a major problem for all webmasters around the world, especially websites such as our forums. With this being said we are going to have a forum thread that will have the information of all the hackers and serious spammers we have banned.

"Serious spammers" are spammers who are either already on spammer block lists list or spam a bunch of advertisement/link spam in our forums. Usually, these types of spammers post random stuff that makes no sense.

Users banned for other reasons will not be shared only bad actors above. If they are on spammer blocklists they usually are caught by multiple sites or some our webmaster's automatic anti-spammer systems.

This will be coming soon and once I have the time to start the list as our ban list is long and been here since the beginning of this support and discussion forums.
Thanks for readng.

All unverified users and spam accounts were deleted.

Spam account info blocklisted/banned