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MS Office Excel Spreadsheet Online Earning/PTC Free Template

Started by MrRuste, April 01, 2020, 03:06:58 PM

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Well hello readers and members. So for those of you who are doing microjobs and online earning I have a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet created by your truly Thoughts of Everything creator Ru-Kun. The template makes it easier to keep track of your earnings and what not. It still; very basic at the moment but I plan on adding a bunch of features to it. Also I will be releasing an OpenOffice or LibraOffice versions soon. I made this free to use but I do accept donation for continued work on this concept and providing it for free. It helps cover web server costs or other such costs of running this site as there isn't any income from this site at this time. But it's still fun for me. I accept Paypal, Alt-coins/cryptocurrencies,  and Skrill contact me here: Donating contact

Remember this is owned and created by me and please give credit if you modify as I would do the same for you.

Here is the link where you can download this MS Office template: