Spam is getting out of hand on our forum so until further notice all new user accounts will be approved by admin after we verify your not spammer through blocklist and contact you with why you want to join our site.
QuoteServer Requirements for running the script:
PHP 7.4
Required PHP Modules:
GD Library
ionCube Loaders v10.2 or later
TTF (FreeType)
Zip Extension
PHP Configuration Requirements:
allow_url_fopen enabled
Zend OPcache disabled
PHP Handler: suphp
PHP-FPM disabled
Suhosin disabled
MySQL 5.7 (or lower) or MariaDB
MySQL V 8.X will cause issues and is not supported as of yet.
Recommended Version: MariaDB 10.3
The default cPanel configuration should work if using MariaDB 10.3. If using MySQL or a different MariaDB version, the following changes may be required to your settings:
strict_trans_tables disabled
only_full_group_by disabled