Fixed Ads Prices Explained For Atomic PTC, Epic PTC & Offers And Clicks

Started by MrRuste, September 11, 2023, 11:21:49 PM

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This board is to better explain the pricing and timers/etc for the Fixed ads on our websites listed on the forum topic title. Fixed Ads have no visit limit can get unlimited visit per day.

$0.02 payout value 120 second timer ads
  • 1 day $10
  • 7 day $70
  • 15 day $150
  • 30 day $300
  • 60 day $600

$0.01 payout value 60 second timer ads
  • 1 day $5
  • 7 day $35
  • 15 day $75
  • 30 day $150
  • 60 day $300

$0.005 payout value 45 second timer ads
  • 1 day $4
  • 7 day $28
  • 15 day $60
  • 30 day $120
  • 60 day $240

Check our each site's store below
Offers And Clicks:
Atomic PTC:
Epic PTC: