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Random Rutakus Pixel TE Updates 4-25-2022

Started by MrRuste, April 25, 2022, 05:08:08 PM

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Hello everyone and how is it going today? Hopefully you all are doing well. Not doing too bad busy as hell with my wedding and other life stuff / other job.

Sorry there doesn't seem to be much going on lately but like I said I been pretty busy with the above but I have been also busy with other stuff like working on a couple more designing a couple more splash pages for the site and some more banners for guys to use. I've also been trying top work on some stuff in the back end of the forums. But I plan on ding some more back end work on the site design and content as well. The past couple years have been hard on my business and still here. But I'm got to also focus on the other services my company offers so that I can get closer to not having to work for other businesses/jobs. That way I can focus on things such as promoting and other features of the site 

As i'm in the process of rebranding my web hosting side of my business where I got some new ideas to run. This being said this is a reminder that content post by admins and staff are properties Peetree Ad Network, a tradename of Rutakus (more info here: I'm the owner with the ability to make full business choices. Now our hosting company will be Organic Hippy Hosting Shhh! ( and we are going to have all kind of stuff. But one such hosting service you guys are going to like is special hosting for LFMTE script which is the traffic exchange script that is running our Rutakus Pixel TE site. We plan on making servers meet all script requirements and free script installs for our team that knows the script plus the ability to purchase LFMTE licenses from us that installed by our team after purchase if you chose. We have been certified resellers of the script for a while now I just have done a whole lot but offer the script on our traffic exchange site. Anyways, more to come later, got to get a few things done around the home office. Thanks for reading guys